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It Pays To Be Friends with New Britain Democrats

The New Britain Republican Town Committee has made the claim that some notable Democratic names in town have made payments to their friends and family out of $115,000 of taxpayer dollars. The New Britain Journal has done our research and we can confirm that elected democratic officials have been paying their friends as well as each other with taxpayer dollars through certain entities which they own. For example, State Rep. Bobby Sanchez who is running for re-election has paid in the month of October alone $15,818.46 to the Gerratana family owned business, Nutmeg Strategy Group. Between the campaigns of Bobby Sanchez, Manny Sanchez, Peter Tercyak and Rick Lopes the Gerratana family owned Nutmeg Strategy Group has been paid $112,303.04 in one month. The Gerratana family isn’t the only friend of these democratic candidates that has gotten paid from taxpayer dollars. There are two democratic Aldermen who have been getting paid from taxpayer dollars as well. Alderman Francisco Santiago was paid $500 by Bobby Sanchez’s campaign. Alderman Chris Anderson has been paid $1,250 between the campaigns of Bobby Sanchez, Peter Tercyak, Rick Lopes and Manny Sanchez. In addition to paying their friends, the democratic candidates have also been paying each other. State Rep. Rick Lopes was paid $1,500 collectively between the campaigns of Bobby Sanchez, Manny Sanchez, and Peter Tercyak through the property in which he owns, Nineteen Bassett Street LLC. Actions such as these make you wonder, can you trust the democratic candidates with your hard-earned money in Hartford?

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