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United Way Mask Giveaway

United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut hosted a mask giveaway on Tuesday October 20th, 2020. The event was held in the back of City Hall and was open to the public. New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart attended the mask giveaway event and applauded United Way’s efforts to keep the community safe and healthy by trying to connect face-masks to non-profits in New Britain. “United Way has put forth a great effort here today to gather and distribute masks to our community and connect them to local non-profits.” said Mayor Stewart. “We must all remember to do our part in slowing the spread of COVID-19, and wearing a mask in public and around others is one of the ways we can all contribute.” The event kicked off with a press conference which featured Mayor Erin Stewart, the President and CEO of United Way Paula Gilberto and Bill Dowling the Regional Advisory Board Chair of United Way. It was noted that there have been 18 non-profits to date that have requested a total of 10,700 face masks. These include organizations that provide shelter to those experiencing homelessness; those who provide before and after care programs for middle school youth; who provide meals and services for seniors; and those who provide recreational activities for children. So far, 3,000 masks have been delivered to these organizations. Today, United Way will connect 10,000 masks with four organizations: New Britain Boys and Girls Club, YMCA of New Britain/Berlin, YWCA of New Britain, as well as to New Britain’s three Neighborhood Revitalization Zones.

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